Sunday, August 17, 2008


WALLACE, Hyacinth: Bubblegum Bimbos and Assembly-Line Meatballers
—from Megan McCafferty's Charmed Thirds

, Alastair: Being Inc.—from Stanislaw Lem's A Perfect Vacuum

WASHINGTON, John and ALAPIN, Ivan: Mother Earth, Father Space: A Short History of Circumluna
—from Fritz Leiber's A Specter is Haunting Texas

WEAVER, Miriam: The Return of Auntie Lorraine
—from Wes Anderson's film Moonrise Kingdom

WEEKLEY, Silas: The Sweat and the Furrow
—from Josephine Tey's Daughter of Time

WEISS, Melanie: Bagration Island
—from Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita

, Stacey (Ph.D.)—Mastering Small Talk (jacket copy: "Do you fear parties? Are you at a loss for words? Do your conversations die?")
—from Adrian Tomine's "Hawaiian Getaway," in Summer Blonde

Dark Doings at Blacktowers
The People in the House in the House (1901)
The Shrubbery
—from A. S. Byatt's The Children's Book
WEST, Rex: The Mystery of the Pink Crayfish, Murder in Mauve, The Case of the Poisoned Donut, Inspector Biffen Views the Body, Blood Will Tell ("A novelette")
—from P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit
WHARFINGER, Richard: The Courier's Tragedy
—from Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49

WHITE (first name unknown): The Desire of Ages
—from Scott McGhee's film Suture

WIDMERPOOL, Kenneth: Pogrom of Youth
—from Anthony Powell's A Dance to the Music of Time

WILSON, William: Clam Up, Good Guy/Bad Guy, Deceit ("A Max Work Mystery"), Undercover, Dead Man's Tale, Suicide Squeeze
—from Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli's graphic-novel adaptation of Paul Auster's City of Glass

, Cedric: The Welsons of Omdurman Terrace
—from Anthony Powell's O, How the Wheel Becomes It!

WILLOUGHBY, Carey: Baby, It's Cold Outside
—from Malcolm Bradbury's Eating People Is Wrong

WIRZBICKI, James: Empanadas in Worcester
—from Steve Hely's How I Became a Famous Novelist

—from Carrie Olivia Adams's Intervening Absence

WORTHINGTON, Brian: Adventures in the Electromagnetic Spectrum
—from the Zachary Adler film Familiar Strangers

"THE WRITER": The Book of the Grotesque
—from Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio

WURSUP, Frederick: Down the American Drain
—from Richard Stern's Natural Shocks


Dr. D said...

The Courier's Tragedy
-from Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49

melydia said...

Wiggin, Ender: The Hive Queen and the Hegemon
-from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Marianaria Sra. bibliotecaria said...

Wickstein, Egon. Critique of Pure Reason; Before Yesterday (autobiography); "The Preconditions of Cultural Apex", in Neue Freie Presse, (Vienna, 1897); Collected Works, edited by Broderick Walker.

Walker, Broderick. (untitled: biography of Egon Wickstein. Published 1950.)

In Selden Edwards: The Little Book.

Whitmore, Dorothy. North Country Wind.

In Amanda Cross: The Question of Max.

Winkler, Altona. Passion's Sweet Tempest. (unpublished typescript.)

In Bill Richardson: Bachelor Brothers' Bed & Breakfast.

Marianaria Sra. bibliotecaria said...

Couldn't find a way to post to X-Y-Z section, so adding it here.

Yello, Barry. Bad Barry: My Love Affairs with B,C, and D Movies.

In The Ghost and the Femme Fatale, by Alice Kimberly.

Jim Cleaveland said...

Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooie from Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson

The Tea Ladies said...

WIMSEY, Lord Peter Death Bredon
Notes on the Collection of Incunabula

From Dorothy Sayer's Strong Poison (?)

The Tea Ladies said...

WIMSEY, Lord Peter Death Bredon
Notes on the Collection of Incunabula

From Dorothy Sayer's Strong Poison (?)

S.K. Azoulay said...

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
- from Shay Azoulay's "Jacob Wallenstein, Notes for a Future Biography" on Tablet Magazine:

DreddGregg said...

The desire of the ages is a real book. It is by Ellen G White. A prophetess, and describes the battle between God and Satan.

AlecC said...

Whiffle, The Care of the Pig. The Blandings novels and short stories by PG Wodehouse.

ptatters said...

Ellen Gould White (1827-1915) was one of the founders of Seventh Day Adventism and the author of Desire of Ages, a life of Christ.

And if we're going to mention Lord Peter WIMSEY, let's not forget his The Murderer's Vade-Mecum which is mentioned in An Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club and was subsequently (ca. 1982) the title of a discussion of Sayers by L E Böttiger in the BMJ.