—from Muriel Spark's Loitering With Intent
TARSLAW, Pete: The Tornado Ashes Club
—from Steve Hely's How I Became a Famous Novelist
TAYBACK, F.L. ("Four Leaf"): Tropic Thunder —from the Ben Stiller film Tropic Thunder
TENENBAUM, Etheline: Family of Geniuses
—from the Wes Anderson film The Royal Tenenbaums
TENENBAUM, Margot: Three Plays (Erotic Transference, Nakedness Tonight, Static Electricity)
—from Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums
TESTIKOV, Yuri: Rimsky
—from Seinfeld, Season 5, Episode 14
THAINE, Tyrus: The Roumanian
—from Maxwell Bodenheim's New York Madness
THOMAX, Maester: Dragonkin, Being a History of House Targaryen from Exile to Apotheosis, with a Consideration of the Life and Death of Dragons
—from George R. R. Martin's A Feast for Crows
THOMAX, Maester: Dragonkin, Being a History of House Targaryen from Exile to Apotheosis, with a Consideration of the Life and Death of Dragons
—from George R. R. Martin's A Feast for Crows
THORPE, Carey: Author and Auteur: Dynamism and Domination in Film, The Mob at the Movies: Down from Rico to Puzo
—from Donald E. Westlake's "A Travesty," collected in Enough
—from Donald E. Westlake's "A Travesty," collected in Enough
THOSS, Dr. Raymond: Winter Solstice: The Longest Night of a Society; "The Last Feast of Harlequin"
—from Thomas Ligotti, "The Last Feast of Harlequin"
THREAD SOUND: What Is Beneath
—from Carrie Olivia Adams's Intervening Absence
THURING, Mary Elizabeth: Coarse-Cut Marmalade Enema Binge (opens with the erotic sonnet "The Wilted Crudités")
—from Mark Leyner's Et Tu, Babe
TIPTON, Virginia: The Light of Seven Matchsticks
—from Wes Anderson's film Moonrise Kingdom
TOD, Theodora: Princess, Princess
—from Thomas Ligotti, "The Last Feast of Harlequin"
THREAD SOUND: What Is Beneath
—from Carrie Olivia Adams's Intervening Absence
THURING, Mary Elizabeth: Coarse-Cut Marmalade Enema Binge (opens with the erotic sonnet "The Wilted Crudités")
—from Mark Leyner's Et Tu, Babe
TIPTON, Virginia: The Light of Seven Matchsticks
—from Wes Anderson's film Moonrise Kingdom
—from Gary Walkow's Crashing
TOLLIVER, Orson Card: The Accidental Chrononaut; Little Lost Lamb, Who Made Thee?; Timecode: Omega
"TOMCAT MURR": Thought and Intuition, or, Cat and Dog (a "philosophical and didactic novel of sentiment"), Mousetraps and their Influence on the Character and Achievement of the Feline Race (political work), Cawdallor, King of Rats (tragedy)
—from E.T.A. Hoffmann's The Life and Opinions of Tomcat Murr
TOPLISS, Ed: Beachcomber Sin, Escape to Lust, Passion's Prisoner, Raving Passion, Summer Sex (all written as Dirk Smuff)
—from Donald E. Westlake's Adios, Scheherazade: A Serious Comedy
TOLLIVER, Orson Card: The Accidental Chrononaut; Little Lost Lamb, Who Made Thee?; Timecode: Omega
—from John Wray's The Lost Time Accidents
"TOMCAT MURR": Thought and Intuition, or, Cat and Dog (a "philosophical and didactic novel of sentiment"), Mousetraps and their Influence on the Character and Achievement of the Feline Race (political work), Cawdallor, King of Rats (tragedy)
—from E.T.A. Hoffmann's The Life and Opinions of Tomcat Murr
—from Donald E. Westlake's Adios, Scheherazade: A Serious Comedy
TOPSIUS, Dr. (first name unknown): An Annotated Walk Around Jerusalem
—from José Maria de Eça de Queiroz's The Relic
TRALPIS, Ashley, M.D., Ph.D.: Feeling GREAT!
—from Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections
TRAPNEL, X. (Frances Xavier): Bin Ends, Camel Ride to the Tomb, Dogs Have No Uncles, Profiles in String
—from Anthony Powell's A Dance to the Music of Time
TS’UI, Pên: The Garden of Forking Paths
—from Jorge Luis Borges's "The Garden of Forking Paths"
TRIGORIN, Boris Alekseyevich: Days and Nights
—from Anton Chekhov's The Seagull
TRIPP, Grady: The Land Downstairs
—from Michael Chabon's Wonder Boys
TROUT, Kilgore:
2BRO2B (featuring "an America in which almost all of the work was done by machiens, and the only people who could get work had three or more Ph.D.'s. There was a serious overpopulation problem, too)
Pan-Galactic Three-Day Pass ("It was an exciting story, all about a man who was serving on a sort of Space-Age Lewis and Clark expedition.")
Venus on the Half-Shell
The Son of Jimmy Valentine
Pan-Galactic Three-Day Pass
How You Doin'?
The First District Court of Thank You; Oh Say Can You Smell?; The Gospel From Outer Space; The Gutless Wonder; Maniacs in the Fourth Dimension
The Big Board
The Pan-Galactic Memory Bank
Plague on Wheels
Pan-Galactic Straw Boss
The Smart Bunny
Now It Can Be Told
Sf-1, A Selective Bibliography
—first two titles from Kurt Vonnegut's God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater; remainder of the bibliography from "Kilgore Trout" (Philip José Farmer)'s Venus on the Half-Shell
TROUT, Theodore: "The Vilzar Matter," in nebulous 5
—from Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library (Vol. 19)
TUGGS, Leon: General Theory of Industrial Sex (“which posits . . . that civilization is based on the male piston and the female cylinder, the male bolt and the female nut"); General Theory of Mobility
—from Stanley Crawford's Petroleum Man
TULA, N'Gome: Dreaming of Buck Owens ("A memoir by the Nigerian human rights activist about his time as a diamond miner and his love of American culture")
—from Steve Hely's How I Became a Famous Novelist
TULAFALE, Stanley: Cooking the Captain: The Colonialist as Yorkshire Pudding
—from James Hynes's Publish and Perish
TULIPS THAT WOULD BE ON THE TABLE: The Inside Before Unfurling
—from Carrie Olivia Adams's Intervening Absence
TULL, Richard: Dreams Don't Mean Anything, Untitled, The History of Increasing Humiliation (nonfiction)
—from Martin Amis's The Information
TUMKIN, Brian: Arthur the Anteater
—from Judy Blume's Superfudge
TURGIDITI, Ivan: Wet Socks
—from Michael Moorcock's "Pale Roses"
TURNER, Ethan: The Solitude of Trees, My Wild Animal Heart, Storm (unpublished), Wolf Trials (unpublished); Centaur Boy
—from Friends From College
TUTTLE, Benoit: "Of All the Skies That Weep," in nebulous 5
—from Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library (Vol. 19)
TYRELL, Cecil: Orange Steel ("It's supposed to be very difficult, what's the word, inaccessible.")
—from Gilbert Sorrentino's Odd Number
—from José Maria de Eça de Queiroz's The Relic
TRALPIS, Ashley, M.D., Ph.D.: Feeling GREAT!
—from Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections
TRAPNEL, X. (Frances Xavier): Bin Ends, Camel Ride to the Tomb, Dogs Have No Uncles, Profiles in String
—from Anthony Powell's A Dance to the Music of Time
TS’UI, Pên: The Garden of Forking Paths
—from Jorge Luis Borges's "The Garden of Forking Paths"
TRIGORIN, Boris Alekseyevich: Days and Nights
—from Anton Chekhov's The Seagull
TRIPP, Grady: The Land Downstairs
—from Michael Chabon's Wonder Boys
TROUT, Kilgore:
2BRO2B (featuring "an America in which almost all of the work was done by machiens, and the only people who could get work had three or more Ph.D.'s. There was a serious overpopulation problem, too)
Pan-Galactic Three-Day Pass ("It was an exciting story, all about a man who was serving on a sort of Space-Age Lewis and Clark expedition.")
Venus on the Half-Shell
The Son of Jimmy Valentine
Pan-Galactic Three-Day Pass
How You Doin'?
The First District Court of Thank You; Oh Say Can You Smell?; The Gospel From Outer Space; The Gutless Wonder; Maniacs in the Fourth Dimension
The Big Board
The Pan-Galactic Memory Bank
Plague on Wheels
Pan-Galactic Straw Boss
The Smart Bunny
Now It Can Be Told
Sf-1, A Selective Bibliography
—first two titles from Kurt Vonnegut's God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater; remainder of the bibliography from "Kilgore Trout" (Philip José Farmer)'s Venus on the Half-Shell
TROUT, Theodore: "The Vilzar Matter," in nebulous 5
—from Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library (Vol. 19)
TUGGS, Leon: General Theory of Industrial Sex (“which posits . . . that civilization is based on the male piston and the female cylinder, the male bolt and the female nut"); General Theory of Mobility
—from Stanley Crawford's Petroleum Man
TULA, N'Gome: Dreaming of Buck Owens ("A memoir by the Nigerian human rights activist about his time as a diamond miner and his love of American culture")
—from Steve Hely's How I Became a Famous Novelist
TULAFALE, Stanley: Cooking the Captain: The Colonialist as Yorkshire Pudding
—from James Hynes's Publish and Perish
TULIPS THAT WOULD BE ON THE TABLE: The Inside Before Unfurling
—from Carrie Olivia Adams's Intervening Absence
TULL, Richard: Dreams Don't Mean Anything, Untitled, The History of Increasing Humiliation (nonfiction)
—from Martin Amis's The Information
TUMKIN, Brian: Arthur the Anteater
—from Judy Blume's Superfudge
TURGIDITI, Ivan: Wet Socks
—from Michael Moorcock's "Pale Roses"
TURNER, Ethan: The Solitude of Trees, My Wild Animal Heart, Storm (unpublished), Wolf Trials (unpublished); Centaur Boy
—from Friends From College
—from Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library (Vol. 19)
TYRELL, Cecil: Orange Steel ("It's supposed to be very difficult, what's the word, inaccessible.")
—from Gilbert Sorrentino's Odd Number
T'sui Pen's "The Garden of Forking Paths", as mentioned in Jorge Luis Borges's short story of the same title.
Warrender Chase, Fleur Talbot
~from Muriel Spark's Loitering With Intent
An Annotated Walk Around Jerusalem
from Eca de Queiroz' The Relic
TRIGORIN, Boris Alekseyevich: Days and Nights
—from Anton Chekhov's 'The Seagull'
TRIPP, Grady: The Land Downstairs
-from Michael Chabon's 'Wonder Boys'
Freda Trowte, "Fain Had I Thus Loved", cited by Beachcomber. She has been described as the Anatole France of Herefordshire.
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