Sunday, August 17, 2008


JADWAY, J.J.: The Seven Minutes
—from Irving Wallace's The Seven Minutes

JENKINS, Nicholas: The Silent Summer; Mornings in Wiltshire; Fellow Members (memoir); Knowing the Right People; Paying the Rent (collected reviews); Borage and Hellebore (study of Robert Burton)—from Anthony Powell's A Dance to the Music of Time

JOBSON, Bella Mae: Charlie Chipmunk Up the Orinoco
—from P. G. Wodehouse's Eggs, Beans and Crumpets

JODOIN, Charles: Windows
—from John Cotter's Under the Small Lights

JONES, Anton: "Kill Me, Atomic Girl," in nebulous 5
—from Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library (Vol. 19)

JONES, Chesil: Guilty Pleasures, Men in Trouble, The Runaways, Summertime
—from Rachel Kushner's The Flamethrowers

JORQUEN, Septon: Annals of the Black Centaur
—from George R. R. Martin's A Feast for Crows

KAETH, Grand Master: Lives of Four Kings
—from George R. R. Martin's A Storm of Swords 

KANDINSKI, Charles: The Landings From Outer Space
—from J.G. Ballard's "The Venus Hunters"

, Victor: A History of Early Modern Witchcraft
—from James Hynes's Publish and Perish
KEAR, Alroy ("Roy"): Modern Novelists, Russian Fiction, Some Writers (lectures); The Eye of the Needle (novel)
—from W. Somerset Maugham's Cakes and Ale

KINK, Henri: Les Constructions metalliques
—from Gilbert Sorrentino's Odd Number

KIPLING, Jonathan: The Best of Youth (ghost-written by Henry Lang)
—from Michael Dahlie's The Best of Youth

KLOPPER, Wilhelm: Die Kultur als Fehler
—from Stanislaw Lem's A Perfect Vacuum

KLOPSTEIN, Aaron: Once More the Cicatrice, The Seagull Has No Friends (novels); The Hydraulic Facelift, Cat Hairs in the Custard (poems); Twenty Inches of Monkey (short stories, "a title derived from an animal dealer's catalogue in which monkeys were advertised for vivisection at one dollar an inch"); Shakespeare in Baby Talk (critical essays). (Klopstein, "a suicide in Greenwich Village at the age of 33," "shot himself with an Amazonian blow gun.")
—from The Notebooks of Raymond Chandler

KNIGHT, Sebastian:
The Doubtful Asphodel
The Funny Mountain
Lost Property
The Prismatic Bezel
—from Vladimir Nabokov's The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
KNOWN NOTKNOWN: The Look When He's Not Looking
—from Carrie Olivia Adams's Intervening Absence

KOUSKA, Cezar: De Impossibilitate Vitae and De Impossibilitate Prognoscendi
—from Stanislaw Lem's A Perfect Vacuum

KRAFT, Fellowes:

Bitten Apples (novel of a young Shakespeare)
Bruno's Journey (biographical novel about Giordano Bruno)
Ill-met by Moonlight (stories)
The Court of Silk and Blood (St. Bartholomew's Night)
A Passage at Arms (novel about privateers)
Skin Deep (a piece of pornography, Herm Press)
Scream Bloody Murder
Under Saturn (about Wallenstein)

—from John Crowley's Aegypt cycle

KUGEL, Solomon: Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
—from Shalom Auslander's Hope 


Anonymous said...

Kraft, Ffellows: Sit Down, Sorrow, a memoir.

Anonymous said...

What, no Knockespotch? (Huxley's 'Crome Yellow' - which contains more besides...)

pt said...

Krsmanovic, Aleksandar: When Everything Was All Right.

--from Stasa Stanisic's How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone

Marianaria Sra. bibliotecaria said...

Kenneally, David Law (Cardinal). Explication of the Catholic Faith.

In Jane Haddam: Murder Superior.

Kasparian, Tibor. "The Aesthetic Roots of the Nestorian Controversy." (article)

In Jane Haddam: Hardscrabble Road.

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Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva said...

Karswell, Mr.:

•“The Truth Of Alchemy”

•“History Of Witchcraft”

Both appear in the tale “Casting The Runes”, by Montague Rhodes (“M. R.”) James.