—from Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle
ALHAZRED, Abdul (the "Mad Arab"): Necronomicon
—from H.P. Lovecraft's "The Hound," "The Call of Cthulhu," "The Haunter of the Dark," et al.
ALVOR, Theophilus: Ode to Antares
—from Clark Ashton Smith's "The Monster of the Prophecy"
ANNISON, Bobbi Jo (writing as Sister Marie Elena): The Loving Heart
—from John D. MacDonald's The Green Ripper
ANONYMOUS: Blood and Fire, The Death of Dragons
—from George R. R. Martin's A Dance with Dragons
—from John B. L. Goodwin's "The Cocoon"
The Celestial Home Care Omnibus—from Douglas Adams's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Fifty-Three More Things to Do in Zero Gravity
The Encyclopedia Galactica
ANONYMOUS: The History of Fish
—from window display, Citarella, Broadway at 75th Street, summer 2008
ANONYMOUS: How to Make Friends
—from Seonna Hong's Animus
ANONYMOUS: I Robbed the Mob! (Though uncredited, the authors are Tricia Heverstadt, Lawrence Block, and Donald E. Westlake.)
-from Charles Ardai's Fifty-to-One
ANONYMOUS: The King in Yellow
—from Robert W. Chambers's The King in Yellow
ANONYMOUS: The Seven Golden Keys
—from Lev Grossman's The Magician King
ANONYMOUS: Upstate Houses and Their Histories—from John Crowley's Little, Big
—from Stanislaw Lem's A Perfect Vacuum

ANSKY, Boris Abramovich:
Landauer—from Roberto Bolano's 2666
Reflections on the Death of Evgenia Bosch
Bifurcaria BifurcataARGO, Angela: Eggs
The Berlin Underworld
The Blind Woman
The Endless Rose
The Garden
The King of the Forest
The Leather Mask
The Lottery Man
Mitzi's Treasure
Railroad Perfection
The Return
Rivers of Europe
Saint Thomas
—from Roberto Bolano's 2666
—from Francine Prose's Blue Angel
ASSAD, Wadi: The Barefoot Rose, The Heart-Shaped Moment
—from Cleo Birdwell's Amazons
AWDREY-GORE, D.: The Toastrack Enigma, The Blancmange Tragedy, The Postcard Mystery
—from Edward Gorey's The Awdrey-Gore Legacy
AVENDAÑO, Rafael: La gorilla verde (The Verdant Shore), Sobre las mujeres y sus vrtures (Pn Women and Their Virtues), La carne de Huasos (The Meat of Huasos), Cabeza, corazón, hígado (HEad, Heart, Lover), La indiferencia del gobierno (The Indifference of Government), Nubes oscuras sobre Santaverde (Dark Clouds over Santaverde), El Mapocho negro (The Black Mapocho), Fantasma de Pizzaro (Pizarro's Ghost); Below, Behind, Beneath: Being an Account of the Circumstance of My Torture and Transformation
—from John Hornor Jacobl's A Lush and Seething Hell: Two Tales of Cosmic Horror